City Ordinances
- 2015 Engineering Construction Code
- Billboards Placement
- Burning within City Limits
- Cable or Video Certificates of Authority
- Drilling Oil & Gas Wells within City Limits
- Entry Gates in Certain Neighborhoods
- Firearms Discharged
- Fireworks Ordinance
- Horses, Dogs & Cats
- Jake Brake Law
- Junked Vehicles
- Littering
- Mobile Food Unit Ordinance
- No Parking on FM 450
- Noise Ordinance
- Nudity/Alcohol Prohibited
- Park Ordinance
- Residency Restrictions for Sex Offenders
- Right of Way Wireless Network Design
- Rules Regulations Sanitation Pollution Control
- Solicitation Permit
- Speed Limit Circle Dr
- Speed Limit in Rutland Place
- Speed Limit in Tealwood Neighborhood
- Speed Limit on Sections of FM 450
- Speed Limits on Sections of US 80
- Subdivision Regulations
- Truck Route
- Weeds
- Wrecker Service
- Youth Curfew
- Zoning Ordinance