Council Meeting Agenda: July 15, 2014

City Council Regular Meeting
6:00 P. M., Tuesday, July 15th, 2014
City Hall at 115 W. Main Street, Hallsville, TX
I. Call to Order – Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Consent Agenda – (These items are informational only)
1. Police Department Summary for June 2014
2. Water Department Summary for June 2014
3. Permit Report for June and July 2014

III. Discussion Items

1. Status of bids and timeline of work on AEP Poles for Christmas Decorations.

2. Presentation & Discussion of selling wholesale water to Gum Springs Water Supply. Presented by Kyle Stephens of Hayes Engineering.

IV. Items to be Considered

1. Consider and act upon the approval of the Minutes of June 17, 2014 Meeting.

2. Consider and act upon approving Resolution 2014-15-07 authorizing signatory agents for the City of Hallsville Bank Accounts at Guaranty Bond Bank and Texas Bank and Trust.

3. Consider and act upon approving the Order of Election for the For/Against “The Legal sale of beer and wine for off premise consumption only” for November 4, 2014.

4. Consider and act upon approving the Monthly Financial Reports and the format and line item changes to the 2013-2014 Budget.

5. Consider and act upon approving the following forms for the Hallsville Police Department:
Garrity Warning form
Personnel Complaint form
Personnel Complaint Witness List form
Professional Standards Statement Notification form

V. Citizens to be Heard

The City Council welcomes public comments on items not specifically listed on the agenda. Speakers must sign up before the meeting begins and indicate which item (if any) the speaker wishes to address. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. The Council cannot respond to matters not listed on the agenda until a future meeting.

VI. Adjournment
Notes to the Agenda:
a. The Council may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this
b. The Council reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of
the items listed on the Agenda whenever it is considered necessary and legally
justified under the Open Meeting Act.
c. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need
assistance should contact Kim Smith at (903) 668-2313 two working days
prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.