Police Chief Bert Scott
We wish a warm welcome too our new Chief of Police Bert Scott!
Chief Scott’s email: bertscott@hallsville.us
Community Policing – Call for Crime Watch Captains
Officer Mike Harrod – Community Policing Officer – Hallsville Police Department
My name is Officer Mike Harrod, I have been an officer for the City of Hallsville a little over a year now, prior to coming to Hallsville I worked 5 years with the Gladewater Police Department. Prior to that I retired from the Longview Police Department after 29 years of service, where the last 5 years I worked in the Community Policing Unit, assigned to the southwest part of Longview.
This letter is to all residents of Hallsville, as you know crime prevention is a very important part of police work, but we as police can’t be everywhere in the city at the same time. This is where you as citizens come into this issue as for as being a part of helping us help you.
Community Policing is a fairly new tool in police work, this where citizens can help us help you by starting up a crime watch area in your neighborhoods. The more eyes we have on the ground helps us out a lot, you as citizens know who lives in your area and you know when your neighbors are gone and when they are home. You know what vehicles come into your neighborhood everyday and are suppose to be there and those that don’t belong there. This is the whole meaning of Community Policing, you see something that don’t look right in your neighborhood, you call the police the more eyes watching for something that don’t look right the better chance we as police have in catching the bad guys.
Each crime watch area needs to have a crime watch captain, who will organize meetings in your area. I will come to these meetings and pass along what has been happening in the city for the month and anything else regarding crime prevention I can pass along.
The crime watch group can set up how many crime watch meeting you would like to have a year, and hopefully on national night out set up a party in your area.
So if anyone is interested in starting up a crime watch group in your neighborhood get in touch with me and we will set up a time to come talk with you.
Again help us help you.
Officer Mike Harrod
The Hallsville Police Department would like to remind all of our citizens and guests to call:
HCSO at 903-923-4000 if you need police assistance.
If you are unaware, the HPD is dispatched (given calls to service/made aware of calls for service) through the HCSO dispatch.

Did you know that one person dies every 19 minutes from prescription drug abuse in the United States? Are you looking for an easy, no questions asked way to dispose properly of all those unused, expired prescription drugs?
Chief Freeman is pleased to announce that Smart Start Coalition has provided a prescription drug drop box which has been installed at the Hallsville Police Department Office for safe, year-round disposal. This partnership and the drop box is yet another way we aim to make the community safer while providing a safe, simple, and environmentally friendly avenue for disposing of unused medications.